Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This seems like a fun assignment. I'm looking forward to posting the picture. :)
Claire was always told there was no such thing as monsters, so when she slowly slid the closet door open, she was shocked when she saw what had been making so much noise during the night.

Sitting at the bottom of her closet was a large fuzzy monster- about the size of the desk chair on the other side of the room, and the shape of a giant pear. The monster was a bright rich red, like the crayon that Claire’s little sister uses on her homework.  His red fur covered his body, and was long and stringy on his belly and arms, but short and trimmed on his head, hands, and feet. His face was in the center of the head, just like it should be. The ears, at the top of his head, were like a cats- pointed and alert at all the sounds in the room.  There were three small patches of black fur on his head above his actual eyes, which gave the impression of 5 little beady-eyes in a circle. His nose almost blended in with the rest of his body- it was small and round, and bright red. It was only distinguished by the lack of fur and three small holes.

His arms and legs stuck out of the body, just where you would think arms and legs should be. He seemed to have two small balls for feet, which were about the size of the soccer ball sitting in the corner of the room. They were attached to his body by long skinny barber poles- complete with red and white stripes. His arms looked similar, red and white striped poles that had small balls on the end. His hands were about the same size as a tennis ball, and had 4 small fingers on each hand that looked like straws.

The last thing that Claire noticed was his mouth- it was large and wide- and took up most of his face. She noticed the lips looked like licorice- bright red and textured, and they opened into a big smile full of pointy shark-like teeth…

Claire quickly slid the closet door shut and ran, yelling for her Dad. 


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